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Route 66 – Oklahoma

We made the trek down Route 66 to Pops for dinner this evening. I am glad my aunt recommended it as it was a great place for food and opportunities for pictures! This is a year old restaurant near Edmond, OK on Route 66. Its very futuristic and they carry over 500 different sodas.

We also stopped at the Round Barn for a few more pictures (its about half a mile from Pops). This is my favorite of Anthony.

My mom took this picture of us. It was the only one that turned out of many many tries. Its hard to hand over my Canon 5D and have someone take a nice, in focus picture. Thankfully she was able to get one.

July 14, 2008 - 8:40 pm

Tracy - Wow!! You didn’t tell me about this part of your trip! The giant soda bottle is quite impressive.