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randon, rylan and conner | oklahoma family photographer

This past week I went back to Oklahoma to visit my family. As I mentioned in a previous post, my parents have temporary custody of my nephews. Today marks one month and I know it’s been quite an adjustment for my parents. I am glad I had the chance to visit and play with my nephews. We played hard over the weekend, going to a children’s museum (those photos are to come!) and playing outside. Here are a few of my favorite photos.

This is Conner, who the boys absolutely love. He loves them just as much, protecting them at all times. When I was trying to take his photo, he was being rotten and refused to look at me. Then he laid his head down as if he was over my camera! In a few weeks, he’s going back to be with my brother Eric when he gets settled back down in Dallas.
Conner the Boxer Dog

Randon Talking on the PhoneRandon and Rylan on Cars

There is nothing better than a tantrum photo!
Rylan throwing a tantrum

This one was my buddy all week. We played with play dough, learned how to play Go Diego Go on the Wii, went to the museum and learned a bunch, and took many a bath!
Randon being silly

Such a sweet face while Sassy is holding him.
Rylan and Sassy

I love that I caught him mid-lick!
Conner the boxer in mid lick

April 1, 2010 - 3:00 pm

Rebecca Severson - They’re such gorgeous little guys!!!!!

April 1, 2010 - 3:00 pm

kelly g - Look at those handsome guys!!!!! I LOVE the tantrum shot. Might be my fave! Great job, Kim!!

April 1, 2010 - 3:48 pm

Kerri - They are so cute, Kim!!

April 1, 2010 - 10:15 pm

Libby Johnson - You’re blessed, Kim…they are so adorable! I’m so glad you get to be such a big part of their lives 🙂

April 2, 2010 - 8:44 am

becky - awww…love to see these – so cute. Can’t wait to see the museum pics.