Hold it a minute, it is January 18th of 2014. WHAT?!?!? We are over halfway through the first month of this year!! I’m taking the time now to catch up on this blog + dedicating myself to crossing off items on the to-do list that have been sitting there for months and month before the spring craziness hits.
I’ve never been a resolution-maker, but this year I have a few simple, random ones that I wanted to share on here.
I love drinking water, plain cool water, no lemon or other flavors. That is typically my go-to drink. Anthony got me addicted to Coca-Cola when we were dating in college, so I do drink that occasionally. I detest the smell of coffee, so that’s not a drink I’d ever think to try. You can see where I’m going with this, right? On a whim back in December, I picked up some Trader Joe’s Pomegranate White Tea. I gave it a whirl and sorta liked it. My first resolution is to enjoy hot tea more! This is one flavor that I can get behind and I’m proud to say that I’m almost finished with the box.
This resolution is more Anthony’s but I’m 100% on board too. We are planning to make the most of the last few months of living in Princeton. I’m a huge fan of shopping locally and we are hoping that the Trenton Farmer’s Market becomes more of a habit for us. Right now there isn’t much produce (obviously!!) but in the spring it’s going to be magical.

Trenton Farmer’s Market
Next one is A’s resolution and that’s to wear more scarves. This won’t be a year round resolution, considering all of his scarves are winter-esque, but he does look mighty fine wearing them! Though thinking about it, now that it’s warmed up a smidgen since the “polar vortex” hit, he hasn’t put one one in awhile!
Last one for now is to get out with my camera/iPhone. Earlier this past week, I woke to a very foggy morning. I really wanted to capture the moment, but also had to shower. I hurried through my morning routine, grabbed my phone and big camera, walked across the street and was able to execute exactly what I envisioned in my head. Not to toot my own horn, but this rarely happens for me. I end up missing the sunset, or not having the time to stop to get the deer in the meadow, or whatever it is. About 20 minutes after I walked back indoors, the fog lifted and the sun shown down. It was beautiful to see outside our window.

Not-So-Early Morning Fog
If you are interested in seeing more of the day-to-day of our lives, please check out Instagram. I’d love to follow you back, so comment with your link!
same location, different day » kim schmidt - […] way. One of my goals for 2014 is to push myself to see beyond the norm, as I mentioned in the New Year post (which you can see my instragram photo at the bottom). I decided to start a new series on IG, […]