Bath was by far our favorite location on this holiday. The town is beautiful, quaint, and full of rich history. We booked our B&B through VisitBath. They were running a summer promo that if you booked through their site then you also receive two tickets to the Roman Baths. Count us in! Our inn-keeper, Steve, at the White Guest House made our experience a million times better. He was gracious upon our arrival, giving us tips on when to visit the Roman Baths and places to eat. He also went above & beyond anything that we were expecting, including throwing the few clothing items I hand washed before our adventures into the dryer. If you are looking for a place in Bath, definitely stay at the White Guest House!
We arrived to Bath fairly late that day, upon Steve’s recommendation, we went to the town center and grabbed pizza at The Real Italian Pizza Company. It was yummy! Go eat there!!!! Luckily the sun stays out pretty late in England, so we were able to wonder around the city even though most everything was closed.

Different views of The Bath Abbey
The next day, we participated in a free walking tour in the morning. Apparently I made Anthony carry around the camera during that few hours and didn’t snap one photo with my camera. They are all on my phone instead! HA!. We then hopped on the Scarper Tours bus for a lovely, steamy drive to Stonehenge. One downside of this local tour company is their audio system in the bus makes it nearly impossible to hear the driver when pointing out details along the way (it’s also expensive too but the convenience was worth it to us). Up until this very day, we had amazing weather. Then the heavens decided to open upon us during the walking tour. It stopped right before we got onto the bus for Stonehenge, and if you wouldn’t believe, it was a massive downpour the minute we got off the bus. Not only was it raining but it was cold+windy too. While I’m not 100% sure if it was the smartest to wear a dress that day, I will say that the cotton dress dried pretty quickly!
We returned to Bath around dinner time and then headed to the Roman Baths before dusk hoping to not have to deal with too many crowds. That was the case until 9pm or so when an tour bus full of Italian kids came running amuck. The Baths are beautiful, extremely interesting and tastes like sulfur-filled water (at the very end of the tour, they have a faucet for you to feel the temperature of the water + taste it if you’d like).
It was a jammed-packed day of interesting sight-seeing. Next is Saint Austell (and if you haven’t ever heard of this city, don’t worry, it’s not really a popular tourist destination!).