Anthony was selected to present at a conference in Minneapolis last April. It happened to land on the weekend of my birthday, so we made a to-do of the weekend. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed Minneapolis. You could tell that it was one of the first weekends of really nice weather, as everyone was super chipper, sitting outside, riding bikes, eating ice cream. Of course, we hit up Mall of America, to say that we at least have been there. In my head, it was much bigger than it really is. The normal mall stores surrounded the “theme” park in the middle. It would have been fun to have my FitBit at the time, to see how many steps we got in walking each level!

We felt like we were riding the Tube in London!

He’s my favorite travel partner.

Fortunately for us, izzy’s was right around the corner from our hotel. We had no shame walking there two nights in row for some yummy ice cream!