From the fall of 2014-spring of 2015, my constant prayer was for God to open up a door for us to get a job. Oh my, I realized I should have been a tad more specific in that request! Towards the end of April, I was approached by the Princeton YMCA to be a co-coordinator in the wellness + fitness department. It was a strange time, as A had learned that he wouldn’t be graduating in May + he didn’t have a job for the fall. When had also learned that we wouldn’t be able to stay in our married student housing. We were scrambling to figure out what to do, with paying the bills, figuring out how much we could afford for a new place, where we would even live. It took me a weekend to realize that this was the door God was opening. He was making sure that we would be okay. And guess what?! Almost a year into the position, I know He weaved this into the fold.
When I spoke about a different life trajectory in my last post, this was part of it. The job is part-time, I’m able to work around teaching fitness classes at other gyms, as well as continuing to run my photography business. The fall was insane. I’m not sure I want to do all that again, but at the end of the day, it was exactly what I needed. Anthony was working round the clock on his dissertation + teaching part time at a small liberal arts college in Pennsylvania. If I wasn’t so busy, I would have gone crazy!!

My co-workers at the YMCA’s annual Centennial Celebration!
I have thoroughly enjoyed running the wellness department, managing group exercise classes/instructors, bringing in new programs, growing an established department into something to be proud of.