Would you believe us if I told you the entire 3 years we lived in Nashville, we never visited Knoxville? I sure do regret not exploring more of that beautiful state. Fortunately last September, we flew into Nashville, explored our old stomping grounds, met up with my folks, rented a car + drove to Knoxville to spend the weekend routing on our beloved Sooners! The atmosphere alone was worth the trip. Then to top it off, OU pulled from behind in a nail bitter, to win the game! It was hands down the best football game I’ve ever attended.

Obviously, first stop was Vanderbilt | Art in the Vanderbilt Divinity Chapel atrium

2001 Club Parkway | Our first apartment.

St. Henry’s | our home, our community, for a year our income. We miss the beautiful choir + Fr. Mike’s wonderful homilies.

Smoky Mountains with the people I love.


Oh hey, look, it’s a bear cub.

I made my parents hike up several miles to see a “waterfall”. While that was underwhelming, the views, breathing in crisp fall air, + seeing a bear cub was worth it!

First successful checkered stadium for them. We were at the very top of the stadium, which wasn’t good for my dad whom isn’t a fan of heights! This game was boring for the majority of 3.5 quarters. Then it turned into the most exciting game I’ve ever experienced. Sooner magic happened that night!

On the day that we were set to fly home, there was a bomb scarce at Nashville International. Everyone was evacuated while the bomb team was called in. Luckily there were no delays for our flight back!