The middle of December my family met in Orlando for a fun-filled, surprise vacation to DISNEY WORLD!!! The nephews had no idea, it was probably one of my top 5 moments ever, seeing their excitement when we all arrived at our hotel + at each park. I have so many fond memories from our week stay. You can see most of our PhotoPass+ photos over on my business blog. 🙂
One of the highlights is getting Randon + Rylan both on the Tower of Terror. While I am not a parent, I do have strong feelings on how scare tactics should not be used on children. See Randon (who turned 9 a week after our trip) has been through quite a bit of trauma in his short life, has experienced these scare tactics. My #1 goal on all rides was to make it as fun as possible as we waited, even ones that may seem a little scary. I let Randon know especially that it’s okay to be scared, but we will have fun too!! When we were in line for ToT (it was just the 4 of us), Randon thought about chickening out on multiple occasions. Anthony + I both reassured him that we wouldn’t make him ride the ride, but we’d love for him to at least give it a shot. He was such a rockstar (though squeezing the beejezese out of A’s hand!!) on the ride. It was such a huge accomplishment!! Rylan (who turned 7 in January) is fearless. He rode every ride with gusto!
Now that my parents are raising another round of children, I’m so glad that we were able to take this trip with them. Not only to be able to make these memories but to also be an extra set of eyes/hands/bodies. We were exhausted each night, boy was it worth it though!! Disney sure knows how to make vacations magical!!

After spending our first morning at Magic Kingdom, we hopped on the bus to go to Hollywood Studios. Sums up the trip perfectly. 😀

Before we left, I ordered off eBay DIsney trading pins so the boys could trade pins. We didn’t get into it much until the last day, as Animal Kingdom is for sure to place to do most of the trading! My favorite thing is how Randon wore the lanyard across his chest every day!!

Rylan ruining Uncle Anthony’s moment with Chewie.

It ended up down pouring on us right after dinner at Hollywood Studios. I was quite bummed, as we were hoping to catch Fantasmic (which ended up being cancelled) + then walk through the Osborne Lights. I luckily had a rain jacket in my bag so I was fine staying at the park. Rylan was on board too, while the rest of the gang went back to the hotel. Rylan + I ended up riding Tower of Terror again, then I forced him to walk through the lights with me! I’m glad I was able to take that in, since they won’t be doing it again. Sad that the rest of the family didn’t get to see it.