Going into our third year of marriage, we had made the decision to stop driving back to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving. It was too quick, a whole lot of money, + we would be back in a few weeks for Christmas anyways. At that point, we were able to start our own traditions. It has been a true treasure for both of us, for us to spend that time in the kitchen cooking together. While in Princeton, we started having friends over which made it even more special!
This year I knew I’d be sad to not be in the kitchen, to not go pick up our turkey from the local farm + prepare it, to not be able to make stock from the carcass, or have all.the.leftovers. Cause let’s be honest, I use up the turkey in so many ways! Anything that you would use chicken in, the leftover turkey goes in. I normally make turkey pot pies, poppyseed turkey, turkey noodle soup, etc. The trade off was getting to spend the day with family.
Anthony’s granddad passed away around Thanksgiving many years ago, so his mom’s side of the family always gathers to surround Grandmother on that day. One of those first Thanksgivings we spent together as a married couple, we were helping Gram with the dressing. We still joke any time we need sage for a recipe that it could always use more sage. Because Gram probably put two jars of sage into that dressing that year. She kept saying that it will need more sage, even without tasting it. It was overly sage-y but it’s a fond memory Anthony + I both have!

Carving the 2nd turkey of the day!
This is the first place we’ve lived in that has a mantle. It’s been fun decorating it for the holidays so far! It’s becoming one of the “must have’s” for the home that we are about to purchase.

Our Thanksgiving mantle.