I’ve wrote before about just a few things that I was lucky to partake in during the first few months of my job at the North Side YMCA. Over the past year, time + time again I have been reminded that I’m 100% in the right place. I’m in the career that I’m meant to be in.
Last night, at the annual staff Christmas party, I was awarded the Rising Star Award by my coworkers. This award is given to a full time employee that has worked 2 years or less within our association and exemplifies the Y’s mission every day. I cannot even remember all that was mentioned in the nomination, but when Amanda, our VP, started listing off all the committees I’m involved in, I knew it was me. I was standing off to the side, bouncing Emery, I looked over at one of my coworkers, + tears came to my eyes. A combination of post-pregnancy hormones + true gratitude, I cried all the way up to accept my award.

What an honor to be awarded for my hard work, for my colleagues to think highly enough of me to nominate me in the first place + for the anonymous committee to chose me.

I am really looking forward to 2019, to accomplish even more goals that I’ve loftily set for myself.